Want to know the latest regarding FFI, read more here FFI has been in place since 1 October 2012 and there has been a lot of speculation etc in the press – so what’s happening? We have been following published articles closely. Without appearing too skeptical, you can read into statistics as much as you… Continue Reading
Proposed Changes to CDM
The HSE are currently proposing various changes to CDM. It is believed that some of the changes it is considering introducing include: • Duties for domestic premises • Applying the CDM requirements to all projects where more than one contractor operates • Removing certain requirements regarding competence in Regulation 4 • Replacing the Approved Code… Continue Reading
False Fire Alarms
With more fire brigades refusing to attend unconfirmed automatic system signals, we look at some simple steps to avoid adding to the £1 billion annual cost of accidental false alarms. Fire brigades are increasingly (and controversially) adopting call-challenging policies, under which they won’t always turn out to automatic fire alarm signals without confirmation. Brigades also… Continue Reading
Best Business Expo
We are exhibiting at Best Business Expo on 16 May 2013 We would like to invite you along to visit us at our stand at Best Business Expo on Thursday May 16th at The Riverside Centre, Gypsy Lane, Luton. LU1 3JH This is situated just 2 /3 minutes from Junction 10 of the M1 Motorway… Continue Reading
Risks to Occupiers from Installation of Stone Fireplaces
This is a safety alert issued by the HSE informing designers, manufacturers and suppliers of stone or artificial stone fireplace surrounds of the need to provide adequate fixings and fixing options as well as detailed instructions on their safe assembly. The HSE have recently issued a safety alert to notify designers, manufacturers and suppliers of… Continue Reading
Proposed First Aid Changes
Are you aware of the changes with the proposed changes to first aid? New draft guidance by the HSE to help employers with the proposed first aid changes (due on 1 October 2013) has been published. The main change is the removal of the requirement for the HSE to approve first aid training providers, although… Continue Reading
Health Surveillance
The HSE have recently published a micro-site giving guidance for employers on health surveillance. If your employees are exposed to noise or vibration, solvents, fumes, dusts, biological agents and other substances hazardous to health, or work in compressed air, health surveillance may be required by law. (Health surveillance enables identification of ill health and helps… Continue Reading
Lift-Truck Training & Safe Use
Do you use Lift-Trucks? The HSE have published revised guidance. The HSE have recently published revised guidance regarding lift-truck operations. This revised edition of L117 – http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/priced/l117.pdf – includes an outline of the main legal requirements relating to lift trucks; the Approved Code of Practice text (unchanged from the previous edition) and guidance on operator… Continue Reading
Lung Disease Guidance Articles
The HSE has just released some new/updated guidance on using cut-off saws, exposure to silica dust and health surveillance. The HSE have released 3 guidance documents which may be of interest – Using cut-off saws: A guide to protecting your lungs – Aimed at worked in highway paving construction or maintenance work. It details how… Continue Reading
E-Cigarettes are not covered by the ban on smoking in enclosed workplaces and public places, but as an an Employer you do have control over whether your employees can smoke them while at work. Some employers are asking for guidance on the e-cigarette devices at work. E-cigarettes are not covered by the ban on smoking… Continue Reading