Whilst undertaking some research for a Project we are currently working on relating to live electrical works, we came across some interesting articles. We are currently working with a Client to develop their live electrical work procedures. Whilst undertaking some research for the Project we came across 2 very interesting articles. Do you buy any… Continue Reading
Fee for Intervention implementation date has been set – 01/10/12
The HSE have announced the Fee for Intervention (FFI) implementation date as 1 October 2012 Despite the recent delay of the Fee for Intervention implementation date. This has now been set as 1 October 2012 (subject to Parliamentary approval). New detailed guidance on how this will work is contained within the new HSE guidance. Further… Continue Reading
HSE Proposals to review Approved Codes of Practice (ACOP’s)
The HSE are seeking views on proposals for the revision, consolidation or withdrawl of 15 ACOPs which are to be delivered by the end of 2013 and proposals for minor alterations (if required) to a further 15 ACOPs which are to be delivered by 2014. These include a proposal to withdraw the ACOP for the… Continue Reading
Asbestos – new non-licensed works guidance
Useful guidance note relating to nonlicensed asbestos work. The HSE have released a new guidance note relating to nonlicensed asbestos work. Further information can be found here – www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/guidance/a0.pdf
Asbestos – Managing Asbestos in Buildings
Useful revised guidance relating to managing asbestos in buildings. The HSE have released a new guidance note relating to managing asbestos in buildings. The guidance is for people who own, manage or have responsibilities for buildings that may contain asbestos. This includes all nondomestic buildings,whatever the type of business, and the common areas of domestic… Continue Reading
Don’t waste money on unnecessary electrical safety tests!
The HSE have revised the guidance on portable appliance testing. “It’s a myth that all portable electrical appliances in a low-risk environment, such as an office, need to have a portable appliance test (PAT) every year. The law simply requires employers to ensure electrical equipment is maintained in order to prevent danger – it doesn’t… Continue Reading
WEEE – disposing of small electrical items in businesses
If you are disposing of electrical items such as kettles and fridges used by staff, you may be able to classify these as domestic rather than business waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). The intention of this is to reduce the cost for businesses that find thelselves replacing these items as households do, every few… Continue Reading
Safety Alert – Vertical Lifting Platforms/Lifts for People with Impaired Mobility
SAFETY ALERT – Vertical lifting platforms or lifts for people with impaired mobility – potential falls from height risks to employees and members of the public from over-riding door locking safety devices SAFETY ALERT from the HSE – Vertical lifting platforms or lifts for people with impaired mobility – potential falls from height risks to… Continue Reading
Asbestos – Updated (06/04/12)
Asbestos Regulations – New Regulations come into force 06/04/12, do you know what the changes were? The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 came into forceon 6 April 2012, updating previous asbestos regulations to take account of the European Commission’s view that the UK had not fully implemented the EU Directive on exposure to asbestos (Directive… Continue Reading
RIDDOR – Legislation Updated (06/04/12)
RIDDOR – Changes come into force on 06/04/12, do you know what the changes were? The approved changes to RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) come into on 6 April 2012. If you are a Contract Client please click here for further information on this. If you are not a Contract Client… Continue Reading