We offer an Annual Contract Client (ACC) service, which includes provision of a “Competent Person” (if required) and also results in substantial discounts being given to standard day rates. A Retainer Fee, payable annually in advance, entitles the Annual Contract Client (ACC) to 5-15% discount from all standard prices and includes the following:
- Planning Meeting – A Consultant from EHSC Ltd will arrange a three-hour consultation meeting at your organisation at the commencement of your Annual Contract to discuss H&S planning for the forthcoming year, emergency call-out and other relevant procedures. They will also address any H&S issues raised.
- Emergency Advice/Call Out Service – This service is offered exclusively to Contract Clients, enabling them to have peace of mind 24 hours a day, 7 days per week – knowing we are available for emergency advice/call-out at any time.
- Telephone/Email Advice* – We operate a telephone service; a telephone answering/fax machine service; email and; emergency mobile telephone service.
- Major Changes – We will notify you of all major changes/additions to relevant health and safety legislation as and when they occur.
- Notify Enforcement Authority – We will, at your request, notify the relevant Enforcement Authority that we will be representing your organisation in all matters of Health & Safety and that we should be contacted with regard to any health and safety matter.
- Training Events – Your organisation will be included on our mailing list for notification of any open training events – for which you will be entitled to a discount. You will also be provided substantial discounts on all Company-specific training you may require.
- Website Access – You will have access to an area of our website providing information and documents exclusively available to Contract Clients.
If you are not currently a Client of ours, and are interested in our ACC service, please contact us for an initial discussion to enable us to gain an understanding of your business and its activities, to help us to support you appropriately and effectively.
For more information or to arrange an initial meeting, please contact us.
If you are not sure why you should select us as your partners in Health & Safety – click here
If you are not sure why managing health & safety is important to your business – click here
* The telephone and email support service (during office hours) is designed to assist you with any type of query that does not require us to visit you ie answering specific questions eg how many first aiders do I require in the site office or helping you deal with a particular issue you are currently facing within the workplace. For more extensive works, such as reviewing the suitability and structure of your risk assessments and method statements, would incur charges at the discounted rate.