All employers are required by law to comply with the Health & Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations. These Regulations apply to those who use DSE for a significant part of their working day (including part-time staff, agency staff, temporary staff and home-workers) and are deemed to be habitual “users”.
This legislation includes the following requirements – employers must provide appropriate health and safety training in the correct use of the equipment; plan work activities to ensure suitable and sufficient breaks or changes of activity; provide (at the request of user) regular eyesight tests; provide suitable workstation furniture; a suitable working environment; and undertake periodic workstation assessments and take appropriate measures to reduce them to the lowest extent reasonably practicable.
We offer a variety of Display Screen Equipment Risk Assessment services, to assist Companies to meet the requirements of the above. The ‘depth’ and scope of such services can be tailored to suit your requirements.
As with all of our services, Contract Clients are offered favourable rates.
Please email or telephone for further information and pricing details.